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  • Forest Preschool

    (18 months - 5 years)

    Our Forest Preschool program is crafted to introduce young children to the wonders of nature through engaging, play-based learning experiences. This holistic program fosters early development by combining nature exploration, creative arts, and physical activities, ensuring children grow and learn in a nurturing environment.



    Nature Exploration: 

    • Guided Adventures: Children explore local flora and fauna with guided activities that spark curiosity and a sense of wonder.
    • Observation and Interaction: Hands-on experiences with plants, insects, and animals, encouraging children to observe, ask questions, and interact with nature directly.

    Creative Arts:

    • Nature-Inspired Crafts: Activities such as leaf painting, rock decorating, and creating art with natural materials like sticks and flowers.
    • Storytelling and Music: Integrating nature themes into stories, songs, and musical activities to enhance creativity and language skills.

    Physical Development:

    • Outdoor Exercises: Activities such as obstacle courses, nature walks, and climbing that help develop gross motor skills.
    • Fine Motor Skills: Engaging in tasks like digging, planting, and crafting which refine fine motor abilities.


    Encourages Curiosity and a Love for Nature:

    • Inquisitive Learning: By engaging with nature, children develop a lifelong curiosity and appreciation for the environment.
    • Exploration and Discovery: Children are encouraged to explore, ask questions, and discover the natural world around them.

    Promotes Early Social Skills:

    • Group Activities: Collaborative tasks and group play foster communication, cooperation, and social interaction.
    • Emotional Intelligence: Through shared experiences, children learn empathy, patience, and understanding of others.

    Enhances Physical Development and Motor Skills:

    • Gross Motor Skills: Activities like running, climbing, and balancing improve overall physical strength and coordination.
    • Fine Motor Skills: Crafts and hands-on tasks develop precision and hand-eye coordination.

    Daily Routine:

    • Morning Circle: Starting the day with songs, stories, and a discussion about the day's activities.
    • Exploration Time: Guided nature walks and hands-on exploration.
    • Creative Session: Arts and crafts inspired by nature.
    • Physical Activity: Engaging in outdoor games and exercises.
    • Reflection: Ending the day with a reflection session where children share their experiences and discoveries.